Friday, April 8, 2011

At heart a positive thinker

As a teacher in California, I chose to start this blog after a heated discussion amongst family of a reoccurring rant that always seems to transpire over the dinner table. With three teachers in the family (myself, my husband and my mother-in-law) we often share stories of our work week during our Tuesday night family dinners. Here's one of my stories:

I came out to the playground after recess to see none of my students lined up for class. I had a whirl of anxiety as I imagined all twenty of my students going wild in the classroom without me. I jogged to my room and opened the door to see all twenty students' hands crossed, pencils out, notebooks open, smiling, and silent. They played a beautiful trick on me. I shouted, "I love you guys", and I meant it. I love my students as if they were my own children (no, I do not yet have my own). I work in a beautiful school and I really have no complaints about people I work with or the families I am involved with. But just to clarify, I am at heart a positive thinker, a realist, a problem solver, and an optimist.

This blog is a compilation of stories I hear everyday from the teachers I know working the public school system here in California. These are all true stories, nothing exaggerated. I hope you think critically about what I've written and start considering the lives of our children and how they're being affected by each of these stories.

I will also share the stories of the small public school that I work at. I'm in this pleasant bubble of all things perfect and I often have to pinch myself. My darling school is so incredible that I often keep the stories to myself around fellow public school teachers so not to irritate my friends.

I would love to hear your feedback.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you have an exceptional job. Keep the stories coming!
